Thursday, March 30, 2006


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Fired Up? Or Burned Out! Click Here to hear this extremely educational call!
Stress is associated with poor performance, absenteeism, chronic disease, and poor relationships. Recent studies have demonstrated the negative impact of stress on physical and mental well-being. This comprehensive seminar focuses on the stress response, and techniques to avoid, manage, and cope with stress. Available in seminar format.
In this seminar you will learn:
Complete a personal evaluation of their own stress level and identify their personality type
Understand the stress response and the effects on the body and mind
Identify specific techniques to avoid stress
Learn the three secrets to reducing stress
Participate in a stress reduction exercise that gives them tools to practiceat home
Learn how to develop and enhance an attitude that reduces stress
Develop a further understanding of relationships and how they help balance stress
Click Here to get the workbook for this tele-seminar.
Here's a little about Barbara Bartlein

Barbara has owned and operated two corporations, one that now trades on the New York Stock Exchange. She is a registered nurse, with a master’s degree in mental health, and she was previously Vice President of St. Mary’s Hospital in Milwaukee. Barbara is also a certified psychotherapist and has had a private practice for over 25 years. As a speaker, Barbara is a Past President of the National Speaker’s Association-WI Chapter and makes frequent appearances on radio and TV. As a stand up comedy enthusiast, she has appeared at “The Comedy Club,” a five-star comedy café. She is the author of the column, “The People Pro®” which appears widely in professional periodicals including The Business Journal and Corporate Logo Magazine. Several of Barb’s articles are featured in the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Her book, Why Did I Marry You Anyway? 12.5 Strategies for a Happy Marriage, received a five-star rating on Amazon and is a best seller.

To your success!
Success University Support Staff


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