Friday, December 29, 2006


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Our new 12 Month Health and Wealth Series with Dr. Wayne Pickering!



here is call #4

here is call #5

here is call #6 9/21/06

Be sure to join us this Wednesday, April 19 @ 9 PM CST for the first of a series of 12 Tele-Seminars to answer ALL your questions about how to “BEAT YOUR STRESS.” You will learn how to be more relaxed, accomplish more under pressure, feel excited about every aspect of your life and enjoy a more well-balanced lifestyle by Kicking Stress out of your life once and for all! Also, if you are prone to "desk rage"? Or on call for your customers 24/7/365? Have too little time to do everything you need to do? And Never have time to exercise, relax with your family or spend time on your hobbies? Well now everything is all laid out for you as over the next 12 months we are going to find out about the negative effects of stress on your body, the impact of stress at work and ideas for coping with stress and what can we do to greatly improve the quality of our lives.
Special Guest is Dr. Wayne Pickering “THE AMBASSADOR for HEALTH” from Daytona Beach, Florida and this week his topic will be How to VIEW Stress & is there such a thing as GOOD STRESS? Recognizing the main sources of Stress and what you can do about it...
Author of 10 Health Guides; several C/D ROM’s; 8 Books; 22 Audio Learning Programs;
award winning Video Series titled “Is Your Diet A Riot”, 32 Special Reports, over 300 Articles on Fitness & Nutrition, a weekly e-zine that goes out to over 13,000 opted in subscribers as well as 16 Websites & 10 Health Systems all distributed in 37 countries!Nutritional Performance Coach, Life Management Consultant & Disease Prevention Specialist.International Professional Speaker (Past President of the National Speakers Association in Florida ) who has spoken in five countries and has shown thousands how to enjoy life totally free of health problems caused by Stress and Poor Nutrition and lack of FitnessHis prognosis was death at age 30.
Now, at 57 years young, Dr. Wayne is an award winning Triathlete and a double nominee for the Healthy American Fitness Leader Award.As a licensed Florida Nutrition Counselor, he improves human performance by sharing several ways to eliminate burnout and create harmony between business and personal life.
His programs are approved for continuing education credits by the Florida and Alabama State Boards of Pharmacy and most recently by the Florida Board of Dentistry.His purpose is teaching you how to be the Healthiest Person on the Planet and not the Wealthiest Person in the Grave with easy steps that focus on Nutrition and a basic philosophy, “If you want to be tough, you have to eat good stuff!”He is the founder of the Daytona Beach based Center for Nutrition & Life Management, Inc. He’s an amazing man with an awesome story. Give him a minute and he’ll give you a lifetime!============================================
Here is the list of what we will be covering in this 12 month series.How to VIEW Stress & is there such a thing as GOOD STRESS?
Recognizing the main sources of Stress and what to do about it.
Learn The 3 Foods to Avoid at all cost to CONTROL STRESS and keep stress at a distance.Learn
The 3 Commandments of Eating to CONTROL STRESS.Enjoy a Daily Eating Plan to Beat Stress … NOT DIET! You’ll Discover how Nutrition can Free You of Stress and Disease.
You’ll also learn How to enhance your immune system to reduce heart disease & cancer.
"Stress & poor Nutrition are a perfect formula for disease".
Learn 3 Healthy Things we can do to be FREE of STRESS that lead to Burnout!
Discover 3 things you must do to RELIEVE STRESS once it’s got you!Learn The Quickest Ways to REVERSE THE ILL EFFECTS OF STRESS!
How to get a good night’s sleep when you are stressed out. How to get Rest when you’re Stressed to go from Stressed to Zest. “The rest of our days depends on the rest of our nights!"No person is so sick as the person who is sick on their day off!” How to Make tough decisions when you are overly stressed.Learn 5 ways to Manage Stress & Several Tips for Handling Stress once it’s got you!
10 Tips for Avoiding Burnout and Getting Balance back in your life. Carrying Grudges is Heavy Lifting!!
Learn how to balance your life so you can feel energized instead of victimized Keeping a Great Attitude through thick and thin = Grande Finale = Putting it all together!
How to strengthen your body using Stress as a productive force in your life. Discover how to maintain high, positive morale throughout the year while at the same time avoiding symptoms of burnout.Wayne at 58 Years Young! Next month we will be covering The 3 Foods to Avoid at all cost to CONTROL STRESS and to keep STRESS at a distanceI will be posting each months recorded call below. If you missed the two mantra's he spoke of at the beginning of the call tonight, here they are, I requested them after the call...
Thanks NedYou are very qualified to be in the position you are with at Success University. You really know how to make all this work and my hat's off to you for doing such a great job and for setting your guests at ease which really makes for a great interview. Thanks for making me shine.Here are the two mantras....ENJOY!Here’s the one for the FinancesAlmighty God …"Now open the way for my Great Abundance … I am an Irresistible Magnet for all that belongs to me by Divine Right!"Thank you!Here’s the one for the People:God grant meThe senility to forget the people I never likedThe good fortune to run into the ones that I doAnd the eyesight to tell the differenceThank you so much!==================================
My door's always open, Ned but there is only ONE STIPULATION....Ya gotta come hungry! We got Loads of the best and most of it is fresh picked and organic to boot.Best to you as always.Wayne


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