Thursday, December 28, 2006


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Teri Werner
CEO, Werner Entities

With her extensive and distinguished background in the real-world of marketing, financial planning and business development, Teri Werner brings to The Life Skills Alliance a wealth of entrepreneurial talent, values and visionary leadership.
Her vision is creating a culture of life at a time
Teri's quest for excellence is best expressed in her one-on-one coaching, public speaking, books and recordings. Teri is the co-author/producer of "Spiritual Principles in Business" and the founder of Walking in Excellence, a consulting, coaching and mentoring program. Walking in Excellence provides the best in books, CD series and workshops all designed to equip and empower young people to live out their true potential.
The co-founder of a family owned home-based business Teri grew the company into a publicly traded multi-million dollar corporation. Respected as a life-coach, she mentors professionals in private branding and marketing strategies.
From conference centers to classrooms, Teri challenges and inspires people to live out their greatness. Her message of principled passion and purpose equips and empowers young people to shake off mediocrity and embrace excellence.
A few of Teri's Notable Achievements Include:
Appointed one of 2000 Outstanding Professional Women in USA
Appointed to Who's Who in America
Certified Consultant with Leadership Management Institute
Founder of Walking in Excellence, speaking, mentoring and coaching program on creating a culture of excellence in every level of life.
Founder of Women of Excellence, a program promoting passion, purpose and prosperity in women in all areas of their lives.
Accomplished Speaker, Author and Leadership Coach.
Conducts one-on-one coaching and corporate presentations on building relationships, marketing with integrity, and business strategies in the market place. Creating the "WE" - Team and Relationship Building.
Creator of S-O-S: Strategies O n Success...creating radical success through strategies, synergies and structure.
Author of " Train Wreck To Triumph....a work book turning derailment into destiny ." an inspirational book and personal development series, accelerating life-changing breakthroughs, in all ages and stages of life.
Co-Author of " Winning with Excellence " a youth leadership program, teaching and reinforcing the core values of Knowledge, Integrity, Discipline, Spiritual values, Character, Accountability, Responsibility and Extreme Excellence ( Kids Care ).
We are proud to help offer the world what Tim Brown and Teri Werner are bringing to the world... Teri will be talking tonight about this incredible web site. If you have children or grand children, nieces or nephews that you love and care about, listen carefully to the material we are all about to learn tonight.
Click Here to hear this extremely educational call!
To learn more about the Tim Brown Browser that will be mentioned on the call go to


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