Friday, July 21, 2006


Posted by Picasa If you want the easiest, fastest and most economical method of generating traffic to your website, listen to THIS tele-seminar!
click here

When you listen, you'll discover ALL of the following:
A 7-step formula for crafting winning press releases from scratch
Marc's secret vault of proven "hooks and angles" to jumpstart any release
How to avoid "Kiss of Death" mistakes even the PR experts make
5 key advantages Web PR offers over both online and offline marketing
How to reel-in prospect, customer, and media traffic for weeks, months, even years on autopilot

About Marc Harty:
Marc once fancied himself a cartoonist. When no one else did, he opted, wisely, for a career in strategic marketing. Some 20 years and $218 million dollars later, Marc's marketing and promotional insights still deliver maximum, sustainable ROI to everyone from small business entrepreneurs to mega-billion dollar Fortune 500 companies.
A sought after speaker on multiple continents, Marc speaks frequently and dynamically on Web PR, traffic generation and traffic conversion, along with affiliate and email marketing.
Marc's breakthrough "PR Traffic" is the first and most widely used Web PR Home Study Course in the world today. His tested, "under the radar" traffic methods, have earned him the nickname "Traffic MacGyver."
Marc is CEO of MainTopic Media, Inc. MainTopic training leverages both media and message to transform the "info-fatigued" into achievers by focusing on one main topic.


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