Wednesday, May 10, 2006


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Million Dollar Secrets for Mastering the Cold Market!
Do shutter at the thought of calling complete strangers about your product? Do you get frustrated because you can not seem to ever close a call successfully?

Listen in tonight at 9pm CST to International Speaker Todd Falcone to ease your frustration when it come to the cold market!
This signature training covers everything you ever wanted to know about working in the cold market. Everything from organizing your office like a pro to simple and effective closing techniques that work every time! Don’t get caught working leads without listening to this informative tele-seminar!

About Todd Falcone
Todd Falcone brings a wealth of knowledge and in-the-field experience to those looking for peak performance in their network marketing and direct sales careers. A highly respected trainer, personal coach and motivational speaker to thousands of top-performing home business owners, Todd also hosts a highly popular weekly prospecting clinic and is the author of The Fearless Networker, an inspiring newsletter that embodies his mission to educate, support and inspire home-based business owners worldwide. Todd is also the author and host of several powerful audio training programs, including: How to Win in the Game of Prospecting, the Cold Market Lead Mastery Course, Insider Secrets to Recruiting Professionals, and Dynamic Divas of Networking. For additional resources, contact Todd Falcone at

Click Here to hear this extremely educational call!

Reach4Success, LLC
Toll Free: 800-259-1177
============================================ What people are saying...
"I have had the privilege of knowing Todd for the last several years. Todd is a true “Master Networker.” He brings new meaning to the word ‘posture.’ His training and leadership skills are at the top of our industry."
- Jeffery Combs, CA President & CEO Golden Mastermind Seminars, Inc.
"Todd Falcone is the ultimate MLM Pro! He not only is 110% dedicatedto the team, but demonstrates his leadership every day by setting theexample. Todd works tirelessly with his team giving them every bit of his knowledge, experience and work ethic. If I were new to MLM and looking for a sponsor that could really teach me how to make $100k per year, Todd Falcone would be my first choice - hands down!"- Jim Lewis, CACo-Founder, Wealth Builders International


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